What's New?
11th November 2002:
23rd October 2002:
- Small maintenance update, with some parts given new or expanded information.
12th July 2002:
- Updated Magic chapter, alongside other minor updates to the project.
29th March 1998:
- Badlands map coloured. A black and white version can be downloaded here.
4th March 1998:
- Priest and Acolyte careers deleted from careers.
20th December 1997:
- Main page (finally) reconstructed after being lost in move to new web location.
16th September 1997:
13th September 1997:
- Added new Geography and Tribes chapter, although it needs a
good deal of work on it yet.
- Added imagemap to the Badlands GIF image, though many of it's
links are still unoperational.
22nd July 1997:
- Appearance of pages reworked. Weave background and white text (which made life difficult
if you wanted to print the pages) changed to maize background with black text.
18th July 1997:
- Badlands map scanned in and added to pages
15th July 1997:
- Combat and military related careers looked over and updated. Boss and Big Boss careers
removed, Warlord and Warboss combined,
Tribe guard Gang Cheef and Cheef careers combined
together. All descriptions, advances, skills, and career entries/exits updated appropriately.
13th July 1997:
11th July 1997:
3rd July 1997:
PLANNED (eventually):
- Revision of Goblinoid magic spells
- Demonologists, necromancers, geomancers and pyromancers
- Geography, map and description of the Badlands/Darklands
- Info on Goblinoid tribes and history, incl. Goblinoid timeline
- Descriptions of some prime Goblinoid locations/strongholds (Black Crag, Red Eye mtn., etc.)
- Details of generating Goblinoid PCs/NPCs