Chapter Ten: Bestiary

Note: The contents of this chapter may, at some point in the future, have to be reduced from that which you see present. If that becomes the case, it will still contain basic information that could be ferreted out from the same sources I used to compile the Project, but not as much gap-filler, unofficial material as is here at present. The reason for the potentiality of removing this information is that a sourcebook that might, just possibly, get published sometime is in development at this time, that may yet (we still don't know quite yet) contain some as yet unofficial information broadly similar to some of that that presented here. Due to publishing constraints, and to keep open the possibility of publishing that information, I reserve the right to remove it from view here in due course.



Description: Standing at approximately four feet in height with relative proportions similar to Humans, Goblins are by far the most common of the Goblinoid species. They make poor warriors, running away at least as often as they stand and fight. In spite of their numbers, Goblins are so undisciplined that they rarely present anything more than a transitory threat to Human settlements. Favourite Goblin mounts are Great Wolves and Boars. Skin colour varies from yellowish-green to almost black and their blood colour varies from green to red. Goblins speak Gha^zhakh, a dialect of the common Goblinoid tongue, and have Night Vision to 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Hate Dwarves, Fear Elves when not outnumbering them by at least 2 to 1. Subject to animosity towards Gobbos of other species/tribes.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    25   25   3   3   7   20  1   18   18   18  18  18   18

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+15  2D10+15  D3+1    D3+1     D3+4   2D10+10
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+10  2D10+10 2D10+10 2D10+10  2D10+10 2D10+10

          Speak:  Gha^zhakh
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  3'6" + D10"
     Psychology:  Hatred of Dwarves, fear of Elves when not outnumbering them by at
least 2 to 1, animosity to Gobbos of other species/tribes
            Age:  4D6/4D10
    Fate points:  D3

Goblin, Lesser

Description: Smaller cousins of Goblins, Lesser Goblins are very much the same as Goblins in all but height, standing at between two and four feet tall, and build, being somewhat thinner in proportion to their height. Skin colour varies from yellowish-green to almost black and blood colour falls between green and red, tending towards green. Like Goblins, they speak the Gha^zhakh dialect of the common Goblinoid tongue and have Night Vision to 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Hate Dwarves, Fear Elves when not outnumbering them by at least 2 to 1. Subject to animosity towards Gobbos of other species/tribes.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    25   25   2   2   5   40  1   24   18   18  18  18   18

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+15  2D10+15    D3      D3     D3+2   2D10+30
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+15  2D10+10 2D10+10 2D10+10  2D10+10 2D10+10

          Speak:  Gha^zhakh
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  2'4" + D10"
     Psychology:  Hatred of Dwarves, fear of Elves when not outnumbering them by at
least 2 to 1, animosity to Gobbos of other species/tribes
            Age:  4D6/4D10
    Fate points:  D3


Description: Of the Goblinoid races, Hobgoblins bear the closest resemblance to Humans, with the exception of a number of Half Orcs. Usually approximately six feet tall, Hobgoblins are almost as aggressive as Orcs, are quicker, both mentally and physically, and make proficient, if crude, metal workers, craftsmen and miners. They also often function as leaders for purposes of defence and conducting raids. Despite their practical nature in the tribe, they are cunning and sometimes deceitful. Rumours are flying of Hobgoblin contact with a new threat from within the Darklands, although little more is known of this, much less proven. Hobgoblin skin is usually leathery and a yellowish-brown colour and, unlike other Goblinoids, they sport a full head of dark (usually black) hair. Blood is usually a deep red colour. Favourite mounts are Great Wolves and Boars. They speak the dialect of the Goblinoid tongue known as Hargha^zhakh. Hobgoblins have Night Vision to 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Hobgoblins suffer from frenzy and animosity towards Gobbos of other species/tribes.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33   14   3   4   7   30  1   29   29   24  24  24   18

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+20   2D10+5  D3+1    D3+2     D3+4   2D10+20
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+20  2D10+20 2D10+15 2D10+15  2D10+15 2D10+10

          Speak:  Hargha^zhakh
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  5'4" + D10"
     Psychology:  Subject to frenzy, animosity to Gobbos of other species/tribes
            Age:  5D6/5D10
    Fate points:  D3
         Skills:  Frenzied Attack


Description: Orcs are among the more powerful warriors of the Goblinoid races and usually install themselves as leaders of their weaker cousins. They are powerfully built and often approach seven feet in height, some being somewhat ape-like in their gait and appearance, others showling less signs of this and being more powerfully built, depending on parentage. Skin is greenish or a darkish olive brown and their blood is a deep red colour. Favourite mounts are Great Wolves and Boars. Orcs speak the Orrakh dialect of the Goblinoid tongue and possess Night Vision to 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Subject to animosity towards Gobbos of other species/tribes.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33   25   3   4   7   20  1   29   29   18  29  29   18

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+20  2D10+15  D3+1    D3+2     D3+4   2D10+10
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+20  2D10+20 2D10+10 2D10+20  2D10+20 2D10+10

          Speak:  Orrakh
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  6' + D10"
            Age:  5D6/5D10
    Fate points:  D3

Orc, Black

Description: The largest of the Goblinoid races, Black Orcs came from the Darklands and are said to be the result of the age-old cannibalism of the smaller and weaker members of the race known as 'runt noshing'. This violent method of selective breeding has produced a race whose melee prowess is legendary, almost as if they were deliberately bred by some twisted intelligence with the objective of producing a race of master warriors. This breeding, however, gave them little of the intelligence or discipline necessary for such a design. Standing at about seven to eight feet tall, centuries of selective breeding have led to certain features becoming especially pronounced in the Black Orcs, such as their broad, protruding lower jaws. Favourite mounts are Great Wolves and Boars. As their name suggests, Black Orcs are almost invariably dark skinned, with very deep red to black blood. Black Orcs speak the Ghaha^zhakh dialect of the Goblinoid tongue. Black Orcs have Night Vision to a range of 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Subject to animosity towards Gobbos of other species/tribes.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33   25   4   4   7   30  1   18   29   18  29  29   14

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+20  2D10+15  D3+2    D3+2     D3+4   2D10+20
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+10  2D10+20 2D10+10 2D10+20  2D10+20  2D10+5

          Speak:  Ghaha^zhakh
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  7' + D10"
     Psychology:  Animosity to Gobbos of other species/tribes
            Age:  5D6/5D10
    Fate points:  D3

Orc, Half

Description: Half Orcs are cross breeds between Goblinoids and the other humanoid races, chiefly Humans, although Half Orcs of Halfling, Elven or Dwarven parentage are, if somewhat rare, not unknown. Obviously, with 7 other Gobbo races able to breed with a variety of other humanoids, it is impractical to cover all possibilities and this description assumes an 'average' Half Orc of human parentage. Physique, skin colour and blood colour will vary according to the creatures parentage, but most are light to dark green or brown coloured, approximately five to six feet tall with reddish blood. Most speak the common Goblinoid tongue, Ha^zhakh, and some speak a debased form of the local human tongue, depending on background. The Night Vision of an average Half Orc extends to 5 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Half Orcs are subject to animosity towards other humanoid races, made at a -10 penalty as they are outcasts.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33   25   3   3   7   30  1   29   29   24  29  29   18

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+20  2D10+15  D3+1    D3+1     D3+4   2D10+20
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+20  2D10+20 2D10+15 2D10+20  2D10+20 2D10+10

          Speak:  Ha^zhakh, 50% chance of human tongue
   Night vision:  5 yds, assuming Human parentage.  As an alternative, you can give
the creature a random night vision of 2D5 yds.
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  As human
     Psychology:  Animosity towards other humanoid races at a -10 penalty
            Age:  6D6/6D10
    Fate points:  D3-1, minimum 1

Orc, Savage

Description: Related to Orcs, perhaps a backwards remnant of the species, Savage Orcs are very much like their more common cousins physically, but are less endowed mentally and are more much tribal, if such is possible. Typically covered in tattoos inscribed by the tribe Shaman, the Orcs are convinced that the tattoos will protect them from their enemies, make them move faster, or such like. The psychological factor being everything, this is what happens even though the tattoos have no magical properties whatsoever! Protective tattoos provide 0/1 AP on all locations, as leather armour, and Go Fasta Red tattoos endow the Orc with +1 M. Favourite mounts are Great Wolves and Boars. Savage Orcs speak Ghazorrakh, a debased form of the Orc dialect of the Goblinoid tongue. Night Vision of 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Savage Orcs are subject to frenzy.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33   25   3   4   7   20  1   18   29   8   29  29   14

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2    2D10+20  2D10+15  D3+1    D3+2     D3+4   2D10+10
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+10  2D10+20  2D10   2D10+20  2D10+20  2D10+5

          Speak:  Gazorrakh, a debased form of Orrakh.
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral-Evil
         Height:  6' + D10"
     Psychology:  Subject to frenzy
            Age:  5D6/5D10
    Fate points:  D3-1, minimum 1
         Skills:  Frenzied Attack


Description: The smallest of the Goblinoid races at only two to three feet tall, Snotlings are naturally social creatures, frequently living in dense underground sets with their Snotling siblings. Snotlings hate being alone. Snotlings typically wield knives, used as swords, and small spears, axes and clubs. A favourite Snotling weapon is the net and they cultivate fungi and mushrooms from which the smarter Snotlings make spore weapons. Snotling skin is a green to light brownish colour and their blood tends towards green. Snotlings speak a simplified form of the common Goblinoid tongue called Snotgob. Snotlings possess Night Vision to 10 yards.

Psychology: Neutral-Evil alignment. Snotlings are subject to fear when not outnumbering foes by at least 10 to 1, and to terror when alone. Note that I do not make Snotlings subject to stupidity as the WFRP rulebook does - they may be more simplistic or naive than other Gobbo species, but not necessarily stupid.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  3    17   17   1   1   3   30  1   14   14   14  14  14   14

   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D2+2    2D10+5   2D10+5     D2      D2     D3+1   2D10+20
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
   1      2D10+5   2D10+5  2D10+5  2D10+5   2D10+5  2D10+5

          Speak:  Snotgob
   Night vision:  10 yds
      Alignment:  Neutral
         Height:  2' + D10"
     Psychology:  Subject to fear when not outnumbering foes by at least 10 to 1,
subject to terror when lone against enemy
            Age:  4D6/4D10
    Fate points:  D2-1, minimum zero
         Skills:  Spec Wpn - Net, Identify Plant/fungi



Description: The Wild Boars which inhabit the Badlands vary somewhat in size from a little larger than those of out own world to being almost as big as a horse. If properly trained they can be ridden (they are favourite Gobbo mounts) or kept in packs. The profile below is for a larger sized Boar, smaller Boars have a Strength and Toughness of 2 each and 8 Wounds, all other characteristics remaining the same.

Psychology: Wounded Boars are subject to frenzy.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  7    33    0   3   3   11  30  1    -   10   14  14  14   -

Rat, Giant

Description: Inhabitants of the Badlands and, more commonly, the Darklands, Giant Rats are believed to originate in chaotic lands to the North of the Old World. Giant Rats, up to six feet from head to tail, prefer dark, underground places to dwell and are found occasionally in underground Goblinoid holds.

Psychology: None special.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  6    25    0   3   3   5   30  1    -   14   18  18  18   -

Rat, Rock

Description: Cousin of the Giant Rat, the Rock Rat is common in rocky areas of the Badlands especially, adapted as they are to lives among rocks and cliff faces. Slightly smaller than Giant Rats at approximately four feet long plus tail, Rock Rats are agile and expert climbers. Many a time has a Rock Rat been seen bounding around rock and nearly vertical cliffs as though almost physically stuck to the surface.

Psychology: None special.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  6    25    -   2   2   5   30  1    -   14   14  18  18   -


Description and Psychology: Squigs are small, sometimes furry, creatures, highly variable in appearance. They come in all shapes and sizes, from a few inches long to several feet. Most are fairly stupid and mindless, making them subject to stupidity. The great variability of Squigs has produced some especially useful or interesting species:

 Average Squig:
 2D12 inches (2D10*3 cm) long
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  2     8    8*  1   1   2   10  0    5*   5    5   5   5   5*

 Hair Squig:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  1     5    -   0   1   1   10  0    -    5    5   5   5   -

 Target Squig:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  2     5    -   0   1   2   10  0    -    5    5   5   5   -

 Brain Squig:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  2    10    -   1   1   1   20  1    -    5   15   5  15   10

 Cave Squig:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  2    15    -   5   4   7   10  2    -    5    5   5   5   -

 Sniffer Squig:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  1     5    -   1   1   1   10  0    -    5    5   5   5   -

 2D12 inches (2D10*3 cm) long
   M         WS       BS      S       T        W        I
  D3+2       2D5     2D5*   D3-1    D3-1     D3-1     2D10
   A         Dex      Ld     Int      Cl       WP      Fel
  D2-1       2D5     2D5     2D5     2D5      2D5      2D5*

          Speak:   Brain Squigs speak their own purring language, Squiggoth
   Night vision:   2D5 yds
      Alignment:   Neutral
     Psychology:   Most are subject to stupidity and otherwise immune to psycholgy.
Brain Squigs are the exception, are not subject to stupidity and are subect to normal
psychology rules.
            Age:   You're bothered!!? Ok, 3D6/3D12 days (not years)
    Fate points:   Zero


Description: Wardogs are bred by the Goblinoids as pack animals and sniffer dogs. Wardogs also run wild around the Badlands, many of whom are escapees of the Goblinoid kept packs or cross breeds between these and common Wolves. There are many different breeds and fur varies from silver to jet black. Larger specimens grow up to about 4 ft at the shoulder and 6 ft from nose to tail.

Hobhounds are an especially viscious breed the Goblinoids like, who require a handler close by at all times or will charge and attack the nearest creature. They also have night vision to ten yards. A breed of dog Gobbos often call Sniffer Hounds are also popular, who have a highly acute sense of smell and are often used by Gobbo trackers to follow the trail of a quarry. Many escaped Sniffer Hounds of the Badlands live as scavengers, taking the leavings of wild Wolves, Hobhounds, the larger types of Rat and the like.

Psychology: Hobhounds are extremely unstable and will attack the nearest creature immediately unless a handler is not within 12 yds. You may wish to allow the Hobhound a Cool test to avoid this, especially if they are trained and have been commanded not to do so. In this case an Int test may also be called for to see if the command was understood...

 Average Wardog:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  6    41    -   3   3   7   30  1    -   43   14  43  43   -

  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  6    41    -   3   3   7   30  2    -   43   12  43  43   -

 Sniffer Hound:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  6    41    -   2   3   7   30* 1    -   43   14* 43  43   -
 *=+20 to notice a smell and for tracking purposes.

Wolf, Dire

Description: These fearsome creatures, appbout 10 feet in length, are the largest of all the wolves, and fortunately are rarely seen - or at any rate, few have done so and lived to tell the tale. They do not venture abroad by day, and their chaotic or magical origins are evinced by the fact that Dire Wolves corpes invariably disppear at dawn. There is some speculation on how these creatures are related to the demonic steeds of Khakkekk.

Psychology: The blood curdling howl of a Dire Wolf may induce fear in all who hear it within 100 yards.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  9    50    -   4   4   17  40  2    -   66   29  29  29   -

Wolf, Great

Description: Great Wolves, more intelligent and fearsome than Pack Wolves and the Wolves of our own world, are huge creatures often almost as big as a horse. They are favourite mounts of the Goblinoids, often caught and trained from youth.

Psychology: None special.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  9    41    -   3   3   5   30  1    -   10   14  14  14   -



Description: Marshlights are ethereal spirits taking the form of glowing lights, often in vaguely a humanoid shape. Magical weapons can drive them off, but Marshlights may neither wound nor be wounded themselves. They are thought to feed in some vampiric way on the ebbing life forces of their victims, who they lead mesmerised to their deaths into swamp lands, sinkholes and quicksands. Marshlights are common in the region of the Badlands known as the Marshes of Madness.

Psychology: None special.

 Average profile:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4     -    -   -   -   -   -   -    -   -    -   -   -    -

Wights and Wraiths

Description: Wights are ethereal creatures formed from the spirit of a long dead humanoid. They are quite commonly found in barrows, in particular when the barrow has been desecrated or the soul not properly laid to rest. They are commonly found in the barrows scattered over the Badlands, the remains of a civilisation long dead.

Wraiths are similar, but lack a corporeal form. They are spirits compelled to remain in the world of the living by some long forgotton task, duty or obsession. They too are often found in the ancient barrows.

See the special rules and additional information given in the WFRP rulebook.

Psychology: Wights are subject to instability outside their own tomb. Wraiths are subject to instability outside their normal environment (but which need not necessarily be confined to their tomb). Both are otherwise immune to psychology, and cause fear in living creatures.

 Average Wight:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    33    -   *   4   17  30  1   18   18   18  18  18   -

 Average Wraith:
  M    WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Dex  Ld  Int  Cl  WP  Fel
  4    17    -   3   4   11  30  2   18   18   18  18  18   -

 *=See special rules given in the WFRP rulebook.

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