Books List

Books - Games Workshop/Flame WFRP Products

Book RefName
CDCastle Drachenfels
CPACharacter Pack 1 (1987) - with Character Background Generation booklet
CPBCharacter Pack 2 (1990) - with Graf Manfred Inn booklet
CoWWCity of the White Wolf
DFitMDoomstones 1: Fire in the Mountain
DBiDDoomstones 2: Blood in Darkness
DDRDoomstones 3: Death Rock
DDWDoomstones 4: Dwarf Wars
EiFEmpire in Flames
PBtTPower Behind the Throne
LatDRealms of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned
StDRealms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
RDRestless Dead
SRiKGSomething Rotten in Kislev
WCWarhammer Companion
WFB3RBWarhammer Fantasy Battle 3
WFRPRBWarhammer Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook

Books - Hogshead WFRP Products

Book RefName
ANApocrypha Now
ATwApocrypha Two: Chart of Darkness
DDSDeaths Dark Shadow
DotLDying of the Light
DotRDeath on the Reik
DFaBDoomstones 1: Fire and Blood
DWaDDoomstones 2: Wars and Death
DHoCDoomstones 3: Heart of Chaos
DSSDwarfs : Stone and Steel
GMGM Screen pack (Main booklet)
GMCGM Screen pack (Critical hits booklet)
SDtRMarienburg: Sold Down the River
CoCMiddenheim: City of Chaos
PBtTPower Behind the Throne (as GW edition)
RoSRealms of Sorcery (official edition)
SoBShadows over Bogenhafen (including old The Enemy Within)
SRiKHSomething Rotten in Kislev
WFRPRBWarhammer Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook (as GW edition)
CIWarpstone: Corrupting Influence

Books - Games Workshop WFB4/5 and Army Books

Book RefName
WFB4BrAWFB4/5 Bretonnian Army Book (1996)
WFB4ChAWFB4/5 Chaos Army Book (1994)
WFB4CDAWFB4/5 Chaos Dwarf Army Book (1994)
WFB4DEAWFB4/5 Dark Elf Army Book (1995)
WFB4DWAWFB4/5 Dogs of War Army Book (1998)
WFB4DfAWFB4/5 Dwarf Army Book (1993)
WFB4EmAWFB4/5 Empire Army Book (1992)
WFB4LzAWFB4/5 Lizardman Army Book (1996)
WFB4HEAWFB4/5 High Elf Army Book (1993)
WFB4HEBWFB4/5 High Elf Army Book (1997)
WFB4GbAWFB4/5 Orc and Goblin Army Book (1993)
WFB4SkAWFB4/5 Skaven Army Book (1993)
WFB4UdAWFB4/5 Undead Army Book (1994)
WFB4VCAWFB4/5 Vampire Counts Army Book (1999)
WFB4WEAWFB4/5 Wood Elf Army Book (1996)
WFB4DEAWFB4/5 Dark Elf Army Book (2001)
WFB4DfAWFB4/5 Dwarf Army Book (2000)
WFB4EmAWFB4/5 Empire Army Book (2000)
WFB4GbBWFB4/5 Orc and Goblin Army Book (2000)
WFB4VCBWFB4/5 Vampire Counts Army Book (2001)
WFB4HECWFB4/5 High Elf Army Book (2002)
WFB4HCAWFB4/5 Hordes of Chaos Army Book (2002)
WFB4SkBWFB4/5 Skaven Army Book (2002)
WFB4TKAWFB4/5 Tomb Kings Army Book (2002)

Books - Games Workshop WFB6 and Army Books

Book RefName
WFB6RBWFB6 Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6 Rulebook (2003)
WFB6BCAWFB6 Beasts of Chaos Army Book (2003)
WFB6BrAWFB6 Bretonnian Army Book (2003)
WFB6LzAWFB6 Lizardman Army Book (2003)
WFB6OKAWFB6 Ogre Kingdoms Army Book (2004)

Books - Games Workshop WH40K2 Codices

Book RefName
WFK2ChKWH40K Chaos Codex
WFK2FKIWH40K Codex Imperialis
WFK2EdKWH40K Eldar Codex
WFK2IGKWH40K Imperial Guard Codex
WFK2GbKWH40K Ork Codex

Books - Black Library sourcebooks

Book RefName
BotRBlood on the Reik
LCKLiber Chaotica : Volume 1: Khorne
LCNLiber Chaotica : Volume 2: Nurgle
LCSLiber Chaotica : Volume 3: Slaanesh
LCTLiber Chaotica : Volume 4: Tzeentch
(See also Inferno issue 45, containing information relating to the Liber Chaotica.)
LRThe Loathsome Ratmen

Books - Periodicals

Book RefName
WD#nnnIssue nnn of White Dwarf magazine (Issues 100, 120, 126, 128, 173, 175, 227, 234, 235, 236, 237, 258, 259, 260, 262, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 279, 290, 300, 301, 302, 303)
WD-DSDark Shadows campaign booklet (in White Dwarf 244)
Inf#nnnIssue nnn of Inferno magazine (Issue 45)
WS#nnnIssue nnn of Warpstone magazine (Issues 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) (See also Warpstone: Corrupting Influence.)

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