G o b l o g

Welcome to Goblog, the weblog ('blog) of the Merry Goblin. I update this pretty much on a when-I-feel-like-it basis. It also isn't guaranteed to be anything like interesting. You have been warned... Note that I reserve the right to obfuscate any other 'proper names' of people, companies, etc. in this 'blog with pseudonyms. These pseudonyms will often bear zero or minimal resemblance or connection to the real names!

Wednesday, 13th November 2002

Started this 'blog. Think of it as sort of a cross between a diary and... well, and something else - just what escapes me right now. :o) I'm terrible at writing large swathes of text down on paper with a normal pen (a pen of all things...!). This is much more my medium. Besides, I can put random hyperlinks in this. :o)

Work today was a little surreal at times. An email was sent from the centralised call centre to the whole of the Morko Group (that's a pseudonym, by the way, the names being changed to protect the innocent, guilty or just plain silly), and thus to everyone at the company I work for, Reaver Technology (also a pseudonym). Apparently, they want all employees to mail the call centre back with details to fill in the gap information in the companies online email address book. The kind of the details they want include the job title and department you work in. Now surely Human Resources should know that information - and they want me to tell it them?? Bizarre, but sadly typical of Morko's normal operation.

Thursday, 14th November 2002

Yes, its your host here, Zippy Applenose, or possibly Loopy Gooberliver. :o)

What am I on about, I hear you ask, my cathode ray tube watching friends. No, I haven't been drinking the washing up liquid again, I'm talking about an email that was forwarded to me, where you work out your 'new name', based on something apparently excerpted from a childrens book.

Thursday, 28th November 2002

Some news out of the blue last couple of days: Hogshead Publishing is no more. They've left the RPG market for better climes with more money to be made. Here's an interview with James Wallis who explains it himself. WFRP passes back to Games Workshop. Nobilis is sold to Guardians of Order, and SLA Industries returns to the fold of Nightfall Games. A sad day, and one that means that if GW don't pick up WFRP again and run with it, or find someone else to run the licence, its back to the wilderness for WFRP.

Friday, 6th December 2002

Interesting last week. Not in terms of work, but in nostalgia! It started when I got thinking about Jimbo and the Jet Set - you know, the eighties childrens programme about a small plane. It had a memorable theme tune. Anyway, I decided to search for that on the 'net and found it, alongside many other old theme tunes that brought back many memories. Programmes like Jamie and the Magic Torch, Raggy Dolls, Thundercats, Bagpuss, Dangermouse, The A-Team, etc. Brilliant.

Saturday, 19th April 2003

Easter weekend. I was off work Good Friday (don't you just love bank holidays? :o) and will be the coming Easter Monday. Had a good (if somewhat scary) driving lesson today - apparently hurtling round country roads at 50mph is normal. I didn't crash the car, and was told I'd driven it well round those roads, anyway. Still, scary.

Gold plated dice
Amethyst dice

Found lovely sites selling unusual dice. If you don't yet know, I'm something of a collector of rare(-ish) and unusual dice. That means any dice thats abnormally large, small, made of an unusual substance, or of an unusual shape. Two lovely sites I've found on the 'net selling just this kind of items are Crystal Caste and em4miniatures. Between them, they have such wonders as gold plated dice, giant D30's (no, not D20, I did mean D30) and some unusually shaped dice they call crystal dice. These links take you to pages of the Crystal Caste site, but em4miniatures sell similar products - I think the two companies either share products or are possibly connected in some more business orientated way (owned by the same people?). Anyway, check them out. Personally, I love the amethyst dice, amethyst being my birth stone. Hey, I'm a sucker for unusual dice, and I'm a sucker for amethyst. How can I not like a set of amethyst dice? :o)

Crystal dice
Steel dice

Tuesday, 2nd December 2003

Moved house on Saturday (the 29th).


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